Mabon is upon us

Hi loveys.

I’m in my new home. We are living out of boxes, probably for a while, but we are safe and sound.

Today I went grocery shopping and as I approached the store I saw the pumpkins were out for sale. Big pumpkins, little tiny baby pumpkins, little ugly pumpkins, white pumpkins, all the pumpkins. Exciting. I can definitely tell that Fall is coming. Four more days.

I love Fall. Now don’t get me wrong I love Litha- Summer is my favorite time of year. But second best? Definitely Fall. Then Spring. Then and only then, Winter. If you put the sabbats in order of my favorites it would be: Litha, Samhein, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Beltane, Imbolc, Ostara, and then Yule. That’s my order. I was going to put Ostara before Imbolc but then I thought, no, Imbolc comes right when I need it to.

This Mabon, I’m planning on making a butternut squash soup. I picked out my butternut squash, I got some coconut milk and vegetable broth, and an onion, and I’m planning on making it in the crockpot. On Wednesday. Your girl just got a brand new county job an hour away from home and she be thinking about making butternut squash soup on a Wednesday. But I’m sure it can be done… right? I just have to chop up the damn thing. Butternut squashes are so hard to cut up.

You know what is really sad? We left our garden behind at the old house. We did take some plants with us – my large rosemary I grew from seed, the sage, geraniums, and mint. We took plenty of potted plants (we had a lot of potted plants) with us, but all the garden is gone. Now we just have this hard red clay for dirt.

Today my husband had me and the kids fill up our hanging planters with flowers. He lay on the hammock and directed us to each grab 4 little potted flowers and 1 big flower, then directed us each on how to remove the plants from the little plastic cases they come in. It was so cute watching my 5-year-old getting her plants out. We change out the flowers in the hanging planters with the seasons. It was always my husband’s thing at the old house. And we got compliments! People liked seeing the flowers as they drove by. Now they’re on show for nobody but the deer. But we get to look at them, and I think they are beautiful. And I appreciate beauty,

Speaking of beauty, I stopped by my friend Phoenix’s store in Sebastapol and picked up her book Walking in Beauty. It says “using the magick of the pentacle to bring harmony to your life” and I love the book, especially because she recommends you buy a new notebook. I’m planning on taking a tarot course with Phoenix too, in the new year. It’s like $350. Her store is called Milk and Honey. I took an Elements of Magic class with her. I’m sort of getting involved in the Reclaiming tradition. I’ve always been a solitary witch but I think it’s time I open my eyes and heart to other folks. Maybe someday I will even go to a public ritual.

I’m still in the broom closet when it comes to my mother-in-law. I don’t know how much she knows, but she lives with me so it’s probably a lot. She knows I do tarot, and I have lots of herb books, and herbs, and candles. But she also believes in Jesus Christ and I don’t know if she would embrace my pagan ways. But I am a pagan. I always have been.

This year, I chose to buy a gold pentacle necklace. It was expensive, but I like it. It’s quite small and dainty. But I wear it with a gold coin as well, so that people can’t really see it. It’s like I’m hiding it. Why hide the pentacle?

People are proud of their faith. So should I be.

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