Mabon is upon us

Hi loveys.

I’m in my new home. We are living out of boxes, probably for a while, but we are safe and sound.

Today I went grocery shopping and as I approached the store I saw the pumpkins were out for sale. Big pumpkins, little tiny baby pumpkins, little ugly pumpkins, white pumpkins, all the pumpkins. Exciting. I can definitely tell that Fall is coming. Four more days.

I love Fall. Now don’t get me wrong I love Litha- Summer is my favorite time of year. But second best? Definitely Fall. Then Spring. Then and only then, Winter. If you put the sabbats in order of my favorites it would be: Litha, Samhein, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Beltane, Imbolc, Ostara, and then Yule. That’s my order. I was going to put Ostara before Imbolc but then I thought, no, Imbolc comes right when I need it to.

This Mabon, I’m planning on making a butternut squash soup. I picked out my butternut squash, I got some coconut milk and vegetable broth, and an onion, and I’m planning on making it in the crockpot. On Wednesday. Your girl just got a brand new county job an hour away from home and she be thinking about making butternut squash soup on a Wednesday. But I’m sure it can be done… right? I just have to chop up the damn thing. Butternut squashes are so hard to cut up.

You know what is really sad? We left our garden behind at the old house. We did take some plants with us – my large rosemary I grew from seed, the sage, geraniums, and mint. We took plenty of potted plants (we had a lot of potted plants) with us, but all the garden is gone. Now we just have this hard red clay for dirt.

Today my husband had me and the kids fill up our hanging planters with flowers. He lay on the hammock and directed us to each grab 4 little potted flowers and 1 big flower, then directed us each on how to remove the plants from the little plastic cases they come in. It was so cute watching my 5-year-old getting her plants out. We change out the flowers in the hanging planters with the seasons. It was always my husband’s thing at the old house. And we got compliments! People liked seeing the flowers as they drove by. Now they’re on show for nobody but the deer. But we get to look at them, and I think they are beautiful. And I appreciate beauty,

Speaking of beauty, I stopped by my friend Phoenix’s store in Sebastapol and picked up her book Walking in Beauty. It says “using the magick of the pentacle to bring harmony to your life” and I love the book, especially because she recommends you buy a new notebook. I’m planning on taking a tarot course with Phoenix too, in the new year. It’s like $350. Her store is called Milk and Honey. I took an Elements of Magic class with her. I’m sort of getting involved in the Reclaiming tradition. I’ve always been a solitary witch but I think it’s time I open my eyes and heart to other folks. Maybe someday I will even go to a public ritual.

I’m still in the broom closet when it comes to my mother-in-law. I don’t know how much she knows, but she lives with me so it’s probably a lot. She knows I do tarot, and I have lots of herb books, and herbs, and candles. But she also believes in Jesus Christ and I don’t know if she would embrace my pagan ways. But I am a pagan. I always have been.

This year, I chose to buy a gold pentacle necklace. It was expensive, but I like it. It’s quite small and dainty. But I wear it with a gold coin as well, so that people can’t really see it. It’s like I’m hiding it. Why hide the pentacle?

People are proud of their faith. So should I be.

Just a quick update

Yesterday was my final Elements of Magic class with Phoenix LeFae. We took the class online, in Zoom format. It was certainly nice having a temporary coven, even if we never got to meet in person.

On the home front, we are getting the key to the new place next Tuesday- not for reals, but just so my husband can start installing the flooring. We don’t get to move in until after it closes which, I know nothing about buying and selling houses so I don’t know when that is or what it means really. I just know that I can’t move until then.

On the job front, I have an assessment with the Jackson Rancheria next Thursday at 12pm where they will test my skills in Excel, Word, maths etc. I hope it is easy and I get the job, because there is not a lot of other jobs up there in our neighborhood.

I’ve been burning lots of green candles still.

Wish me luck. ❤

More house news, and a meditation

We got a few offers on our house, the highest one being $367,000 cash, as-is. We are hoping that the couple of cash offers will fight over the house and bid a little higher, so we are waiting a few more days here. The longest days.

With the 367k cash offer, we would still be a little short to fix the flooring and kitchen at the new place- not to mention we would need to buy new appliances. We are hoping that the seller will be willing to carry us over for the 40k. I’m really struggling to keep a good mood about all of this. I feel like the whole process is very stressful; I’ve even gone to my psychiatrist to up my anti-depressants. What he did instead was add Wellbutrin to my regimen so hopefully that will help me out.

In my personal/spiritual life I have been taking an Elements of Magic course through one of the Reclaiming witches in my state. It’s been an online class, but it’s been very valuable and interesting. This last class we did a meditation where we walked down a forest path until we found our “animal ally,” and I was having trouble focusing on the meditation until the teacher said, “you notice something move,” and I immediately saw a little mouse. She said, this is your animal ally, go ahead and speak to it and ask it any questions. And I said, “Hello. Don’t be afraid.” And I heard this booming voice say “No, YOU don’t be afraid,” and I realized I was having a genuine connection moment with my higher power. Of course, my reaction to being told not to be afraid was to become afraid and the meditation ended. I mean, the teacher didn’t end the meditation but I was no longer present in the forest and no longer able to connect. It was a pretty chilling experience because it proved to me that I am living in fear not faith.

As an alcoholic, I think living in fear is pretty typical. As I get older, I think more about the movie title : Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and I grow more and more accustomed to living in Fear and Loathing.

Not sure how I can turn this around.

House news

The home we are looking to purchase is $340,000.00

The house we are moving out of was just put on the market for $347,000.00

Doesn’t sound too promising, because the house we are looking to buy also has no flooring, needs a revamped kitchen, and needs 2 bedrooms installed.

I guess the real estate agent said that he put the house on the market low to hopefully start a bidding war, so that we might get a larger amount of money come to the end of things. That’s a hopeful thought, and like I said, I have been burning green candles and so I can only have faith that our funding will come through for those additional projects.

We have already filled 2 storage units with our extra stuff and we are living with very little extra. I have packed up all my yarn and knitting books, most of my tarot cards and books and crafting supplies, and I feel quite naked and useless without it all. I can’t wait until this is all over with, and we are nice and settled in the new place.

I feel quite out of control about most of my life these days, and it’s leading me to feeling quite overwhelmed.

They say you have to let go and let God. So I send my letter out to Hermes: Please let it reach whoever is the best god of real estate: I need $400,000 for my house, please and thank you.

June 2021

During the last month I exercised maybe twice. I wanted to kill myself for sure at least seven days, because I wrote it down.

I overate most days and I under worked most days. Just been a hot mess really.

I started taking a Magic of Elements class, and missed the 3rd class because I slept through it. I’ve been sleeping an absurd amount lately. (Depression)

I’ve been packing to move, and burning green candles for positive prosperity energy. I usually dress the candle in an oil blend of mint, frankincense and basil. and recite the following:

Earth, Air, Water, Fire,
Bring to me what I desire,
Candle green and flame of yellow,
Bring pay that’s good and stress that’s mellow.
Basil, mint and frankincense,
Increase dollars, not just cents
God of commerce, Mercury,
I pray for prosperity,
Money, wealth, security
As I will, so mote it be.

The first time I did this spell I got a $6 raise. The second time I got a $2 raise. I’ve been burning green candles lately hoping for positive home energy – we are trying to buy a house but we have to sell ours first. It’s chaos, just straight chaos, but if anybody can help me it’s my deities ❤


I’ve been offering free tarot readings to my friends lately. I first offered about 5 months ago, and have been giving Celtic Cross spreads, just general readings for 2021.

Lately I have felt much more connected to my higher power both because of recent events at work and also because I’ve been consulting my cards a LOT.

I started this blog out by mentioning my alcoholism and how that was what brought me closer to my spirituality. I haven’t had a drink in 2,351 days. Or 6 years, 5 months, 8 days. And I have to believe that it is my higher power, whom I choose to call God, that has kept me sober for that whole time.

I don’t know if I mentioned on the blog that I did finally have a deity come to me. I always thought it would be a Goddess, but it turned out to be Hermes, the messenger God who could bring my prayers to whomever or whatever necessary.

At work one of my coworkers has been giving me a rough time. He makes my days a lot harder than they need to be. And it’s been a consistent thing since day one and I’ve been working there for 3 years. One day he asked me “Do you believe in God?” And I said “….Not really. I mean, I have a higher power.” He asked if he had offended me, and I said “no, but…. I struggle with believing every single day, because I’m an alcoholic.” It’s the first time I’ve told someone outside of my AA group or friends or family circle about my struggles. He thanked me for my honesty, but after that day I did a tarot reading and BAM it struck me that he was doing me a favor asking me that; Of course I should have said Yes. Yes, I believe in God and believe that he is doing for me what I cannot have done for myself. That’s one of the AA promises.

  1. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for
    Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us –
    sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them.

I just have to work work work.

Yuletide thoughts

The days are shortening. When I clock out from work at 5pm the sun is already descending. Every day brings us closer to Yule, the shortest day of the year. A lot of people call this the happiest season of all. I’m not sure who those people are, or what kind of drugs they’re on. It’s cold and I hate it.

But, part of my journey has been to acknowledge, appreciate and embrace other seasons. Namely winter, my absolute least favorite season. It’s hard to do that though. In the spring I thought Winter would be a good time for me to plan out next year’s garden. But here we are at the end of November and I haven’t even fully dismantled last year’s garden. There’s still old tomatoes hanging and some turnips that never turned up, and stalks of Brussel sprouts that never matured. And now, of course, it’s too cold to go out there and pull up the remaining shoots. I’m too cold and too lazy to go out with my rototiller and cover the land with mulch like I ought to.

I did bring my rosemary in close to the house, hoping it will survive the cold weather. And the lavender.

We have been burning eucalyptus wood in our fireplace – it wasn’t as expensive as oak, but still burns long and hot. I do like sitting in front of the fire and watching it pop. But you can do that in the summer too, if you’re camping.

People are already starting their “Secret Santa” games at work. I opt out because I find it very stressful on top of what is already a stressful and depressing time for me.

The worst thing for me about winter is having to take a shower and then step out into a cold room. And then having to put medicine on my psoriasis- which takes at least 15 minutes – again naked in the cold. One might suggest I get a fucking heater. I might suggest that person pay my electric bill.


Last year on this day, I planted tulips in the front yard with my daughter.

We said,

“Grow, as I will also grow,
From darkness to light.”

I don’t know if it came from some motivational quote or meme or something, but someone had got it into my head to “Plant Bulbs: That way you have something to look forward to after Winter.” It helped. When it rained I thought, Yay my tulips are getting watered. And in February, sure enough, their little cheery heads started to peek through.


Better days

For Mabon I awoke early and baked the same apple cinnamon bread I made last year. Last year, my bread was baked with apples from Apple Hill- a cute little place in Northern California which my family visits every fall. They have pumpkins, and apples (of course), and Brussel sprouts, and pony rides, and a bunch of little stands where crafters sell their wares. A friend of ours makes a lot of his income up at Apple Hill- at High Hill Ranch specifically. And of course, the cider is delicious. We always get at least one frozen pie to take home, and I usually splurge on fudge as well. The tradition for my son is the apple donut.

This year, my bread was made with some “Jazz” apples from New Zealand that I found at Safeway. We won’t be going up to Apple Hill this year, due to the coronavirus of course. Seems like everything that is fun has been canceled. Work isn’t canceled, and taxes aren’t canceled, and bills and rent aren’t canceled, but museums are closed and parks are empty and … It just sucks. Obviously, it sucks for everyone and in America with 200,000 people dead I should be grateful that I’m only missing out on some apples.

My bread still came out pretty good. I want to try another recipe too, and I bought some dates and craisins and walnuts and pecans for this recipe. Technically, I guess it will be inspired by the recipe I saw because I am not a fan of buttermilk. And also, I have a bunch of self-rising flour that I need to use up because I made myself a big loaf of Lemon Poppy bread from a Harmony Nice video and that recipe called for self-rising.

I’m not much of a baker. I don’t understand the difference between self rising or not. Before we were married, I told my husband, “I’m a knitter, not a baker!” And it’s still more or less true. Although, I will say that ever since I started to become more serious about my Wicca journey, I have at least baked for most of the Sabbats for the past 2 years.

I think that’s a good tradition for me. On Imbolc this year I ended up building a birdhouse instead but I did make some sweet potato buns a week or so after and I’m all for celebrating the Sabbat for the whole chunk of the wheel. Why not?

I tried to explain to my son how Mabon is basically the last holiday, rather than Yule. He was confused because “isn’t January first new years?” And it is, but this year especially I am ok with putting it to rest in October. 10 months of this year has felt like… just a lot longer. It has been, very very emotionally frustrating just being American these days.

On Mabon morning, I cast a circle and invited the elements and directions in. I faced the East as I invited in my patron God, Hermes, and Goddess Persephone. I don’t really have a main Goddess, but I thought that the timing is a great time to invite Persephone. Hermes, of course, made himself available early on in my journey. I’m grateful someone came to me, and he is just… the perfect deity for a wordy Gemini like myself. And I never have to worry about what to say or which God or Goddess would be able to help me best. He’s like a translator- taking my dreams and wishes and thoughts to the right person and explaining it for me, much better than I would be able to. So, after I had a small moment of just silence, I explained that I wanted – in the new year- to make a habit of doing a divination for each section of the wheel. And I said I’d like to have just a general reading for now until Samhein, to see what kind of influences I should look out for and what I should focus on. I faced East, because I am a Gemini and I am the Air element and so is Hermes and I thought communication is exactly what I’m asking for the cards to do. I used the regular rider waite- I love all my decks and some of them have quite a flair to the way they communicate to me, but my plain jane waite is always excellent for clarity. The reading was good. No Major Arcana cards, which was absolutely a first for me. I don’t think I’ve ever done a reading with not a single Major. It was heavy in cups. The past position showed the Queen of Wands. Ok I guess I’m getting more into it than I thought so I’ll just write out my gist:

  1. Significator: 4 of cups
  2. What crosses: 2 of Swords
  3. Root: 3 of swords, reversed
  4. Past: Queen of Wands
  5. What I’m thinking about: 2 of cups
  6. The future: Ace of cups
  7. How I see myself: The 3 of cups, reversed
  8. How others see me: the 5 of Swords
  9. Hopes/fears: 7 of pentacles, reversed
  10. Outcome: 8 of Pentacles, reversed

Now the 7 of Pentacles has been haunting me lately it seems. You know how sometimes a card seems to just follow you around? I noticed it at first in my car deck- the little deck I keep in my car for quick one card readings in the morning before work. That deck is always spitting out pentacles, but I figured it’s just because I only really use it before I go to my job so it’s full of material worries, work and money. But sometime after Lugnhasadh I started getting the 7 of Pentacles a little more frequently. It means patience, you know. And also analyzing your progress. Considering your own endeavors, analyzing your pursuits. And then, this last weekend we went to Redding to celebrate my father’s birthday. (He turned 64. We sang the beatles.) The card I had chosen the day before was the 7 of pentacles. Then when I got there I used my brother’s tarot book to see what his said about the 7 of pentacles. Then I drew my card with my own deck and got the same card again. Now here it is in my Hopes/Fears, but reversed.

Honestly the vibe I get from the reading can be summarized with the word “worry.” In the past I see summer, summer ending. In the present I see myself- I’m so often the 4 of cups. And the fact that the root and the thought are both seemingly about relationships disturbs me. In fact, all of the cups disturb me. And like I said, I was facing East and I know that’s because I don’t face West. Right? But my last name is West. I am West. West is water. West is emotion. I am A west but I’m not west. I’m east. It’s a whole different way… but not really because if you’re going east and I’m going west eventually like won’t we meet up?

The future card is a good one – the Ace of Cups. I feel like that is a positive card, even though for me personally being full of any emotion to the point of overflowing sounds like a straight up nightmare. Honestly when I first read it my thoughts were that it’s going to be the time to start working on some of my personal issues with like my soul-searching and my relationships and past hurts and betrayals. But then I saw too that doing so would lead others to consider me careless. Unfortunately the 2 of swords crossing is rather typical too. I never want to look at what is most important. But then we have the 2 of cups as well. two of cups and two of swords. Three of cups & three of swords. That’s interesting, too. Twos are for balance, harmony, but also choices. Threes are for growth, creativity, but also chaos. If there is a choice to be made, this reading tells me to choose love. Unabashedly, unashamedly, choose love. How can I be so curious still. It seems obvious: choose love. But I wonder which love? Is self-love different than love of others? I wonder about myself seeing me as the 3 of cups reversed. That would be true; I do consider myself outside the circle, and not exactly in the community. And likewise others may see me as selfish or deceitful for not being in the group. But the damn 7 of pentacles. And worse- the 8 of pentacles. I worry this may bode ill of my group projects in my final college semester- people not working well together and work “not working.” Of course, too it could just represent and end of waiting. The start of something new- a new project.

Here’s the thing I have learned about repeating cards. Well for one thing, you usually don’t recognize the lesson until much later. and secondly, it always helps to go back to the card before the one that keeps appearing. In my case, the 6 of Pentacles. 6’s are for success and beauty. The 6 of pentacles traditionally depicts a wealthy man doling out support to two beggars, possibly unfairly or perhaps one is simply waiting his turn. This could, for me have a lot to do with school and with financial aid and with waiting for those dollars to run out.

At any rate my summation would include: Keep surviving. Maybe there isn’t a huge something going to happen in the next month, and maybe the strongest influence is passing ever behind us. But at any rate if I do another divination on Samhein I will have something to compare it to and then maybe i’ll be doing a little better.

Today I’m doing a little better. Better than I was anyhow.


Not surprisingly, soon after my collection of good days I hit a dark period in my life. Nothing happened out of the ordinary, I just started wanting to die again. Normal for me.

This morning I woke up and took a bath because that tends to help. I put lots of salt, some sage leaves (two, for balance) which I rubbed on my third eye chakra for clarity and wisdom. I asked that the negativity be released, and I added a stress-less oil blend I created back in April. I also added some moon water from June, and magnesium flakes. When I got out I put on medication, which tends to help too. But less than 15 minutes later I was curled up in a ball on my bed unable to move while also unable to think anything other than “GET UP GET UP GET UP GET UP GET UP!!”

I did manage to go grocery shopping, and make my kids peanut butter and jam sandwiches for lunch. I did some homework and nourished my body with the classic healthy lunch of 4 candy bars and a piece of lemon cake. Nice.

And I purchased a hunk of celestite. A grabbed a little slip of paper next to the celestite which says the following: “A symbol of peace, it opens you up to mental clarity, the key to resolving conflicts in relationships. Helpful for deep meditation to calm the mind & open it to higher communication. A great stone for singers, actors or speakers to help with stage fright or nervousness.

I was drawn to it mostly because it is pretty and light blue. But it would be nice to have the key to resolving conflicts in relationships, wouldn’t it?

I mostly still feel down. Immediately after my bath I did feel good. I just need to find ways to feel good again. Maybe I can knit, or crochet, or sew, or meditate or make a list. Or drink or do drugs and accept chaos!! Silly me.